Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Welcome to the Space!

My name is Nick and I love games.  It's an addiction and the first step to getting better is more games...obviously.  I often call myself a polygamist.  Poly meaning many and gamist meaning a player of games.  I love talking about games but often times find that I'm actually supplying both sides of those conversations because, well, I'm by myself.  So I'm going to take a(nother) stab at a blog.  My first blog attempt was aimed at RPGs specifically.  My second was about my Warmachine/Hordes hobby (henceforth referred to as WarmaHordes).  They've languished in Nowhereland for a good, long while and I wanted a clean break from them.  Also, I don't want to pigeonhole myself as far as the content of my blog.  I want to address board and card games, and the occasional video game if I choose (I probably won't).

I also listen to a lot of podcasts, the vast majority of which are game related.  I may use this blog to respond to, or further explain my thoughts about, the topics of a given podcast.  I am, in the words of Sean Nittner (, "continuing the conversation".

Actually, to steal another catchphrase from Sean, I pretty much plan on "talking about my gaming experiences".  I don't plan on writing much about game theory/philosophy, unless it's in response to something.  I plan on keeping it practical.  What I'm doing, what I plan on doing, how I'm going to do it.  Practical.

Anyhow, that's this blog in a nutshell.  I hope others out there will find it relatable and possibly helpful.

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