Tuesday, January 1, 2013

WorldMaker: Settling on Setting and Merging Ideas

Hey everyone!  I hope your 2013 has started off with great games, or at least the anticipation of them.

In my last WorldMaker post I talked about having two world ideas that were competing for my immediate attention. One being my take on an all-comers D&Desque world, and the second being a more intimate setting focused on intrigue. I decided to begin developing the second world. I'm calling it Drann. Oh, and Drann is on Aedora (my D&D world, a-yeh-dora). THAT'S MADNESS!!! Probably, but there's actually a solid reason for it. Drann fits perfectly into Aedora's prehistory.

A bit on Aedora's creation: it was formed by an overdeity. This overdeity was a PC of mine long, long ago that gained omnipotence. Once that happened he ceased being a PC or even an NPC in that GM's cosmology. No record of him ever existing because he never did as far as the current fiction of those realities are concerned (though our gaming stories certainly say otherwise). He became the overdeity of my cosmology. He has complete agency and omnipotence in my world, though he lacks omniscience. His name is Tsalmaveth (sal-muh-veth).

As he created the universe in which Aedora exists, he created for himself a companion named Naldrea (nal-dray-uh). He creates a celestial plane for her to live in, gives her the essence of Creation, and then leaves “for a short while” (eons and eons, but what's that to an eternal agent). Naldrea, feeling the instinct of motherhood, creates a race of beings called the oestaua (oh-es-ta-wa). After millions of years the oestaua plan a conspiracy to claim Naldrea's godhood for themselves. Upon Tsalmaveth's return...well, let's just say bad things happen to them. It's the fallout from this that creates the New World, elves, man, dwarves, gods, planes, dragons, magic; all that good stuff that we already know and love.

While this will still technically be the same planet, the two “worlds” will be very far apart in time and tone that each one could be ran for a number of years in real time and would never intrude on one another. The biggest mechanical change will be in character options which right now are ideas that have not yet been given form by way of mechanics.

Now I've settled the wheres and the whens. Next time I'll start lining up the things that I'm looking to do in building the race and giving the different bloodlines some thematic and mechanical distinctions.

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